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Mathematical Induction is Wrong
Mathematical Induction is a greatly misunderstood subject. According to its Wikipedia page, it is a "mathematical proof technique"....
Book Break
This is the first article I've ever posted with no accompanying picture. Part of the reason why I started this website is because I...
This is a short post to... explain the lack of posts for some time. Like any other army, the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), also what I'm...
Pythagoras and Trigonometry
This is a short post. There are many relations between Pythagoras and Trigonometry, but while writing the previous article, something...
Magic Trigonometry Hexagon
I want to share a neat trick to remembering some trigonometric identities. I first learnt that this is called the Johnson Diagram, but...
Logic Gates
Even though this information is available elsewhere on the internet, I feel like this site wouldn't be complete without it, so here's my...
How to Fold and Cut a Star
The Fold and Cut Theorem (yes, that is it's real name) states that for any shape made up of straight lines on a piece of paper, it is...
Harmonic Series is Divergent
This is a short post. The harmonic series, so named because of its relation with musical overtones, is this: At first glance, it may be...
Maximum Area of A Trapezium
This is a short post. While writing the previous post about the trapezoidal Koch curve, there was a part of me that wanted to make the...
Trapezoidal Koch
This is the trapezoidal Koch curve. We've already explored the regular and the square Koch, this one is also achieved by a different...
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