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Book Break and Side Projects

It's been a while since I have posted, so let's address some of the issues (with me) here.

So a while back I put the blog on hold because I thought I was in the midst of completing my book.

Turns out, so many things can go wrong in planning and schedules, and I have decided to lift the book break and let life resume as per normal.

Some people can work on a project full time, while others cannot. I'm not sure which camp of humans I belong to, but I tend to find working on something as a side project is vastly more productive. I need something else that I do full-time, and in my free time, the side projects can be worked on.

Now that school is starting soon, this site will definitely get more active, but I'm still concerned about the time I'm allocating to my other projects.

Well, we learn as we go along I guess.

Thank you for participating in the journey of my Messy Workings, and thank you for reading :)

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